Monthly Archives: May 2013

Coconut and Cardamom Chicken Curry

ilaichi chicken curry, ilaichi curry, goan chicken curry, goa chicken curry, chicken curry, coconut chicken curry, cardamom chicken curry, coconut cardamom and yogurt chicken curry, kerala curry, kerala chicken curry, white curry sauce, white chicken curry

Coconut and Cardamom Chicken Curry

Last week Piyush and I celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary.  He had to work for the day so I decided to make him a delicious meal before picking him up from the office and whisking him away to watch The Great Gatsby.

Before I get into all the details of the curry, I’ve got to tell you, this recipe was a hit!  It was exotic and incredibly tasty. In fact, it was so delicious, Piyush has been asking me to make it every single day since he finished it.  That’s definitely not like him…so I know I must have done something right! Continue reading

The Easiest Chocolate Cake Ever (and it’s Vegan)

I have a “thing” for chocolate. I love everything about it.  It’s smell, it’s taste and–most especially (at the risk of sounding like some sort of chocolate obsessed crazy lady who is in clear need of psychological assistance)–it’s ability to “pick me up” when I’m feeling down.

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Dressed up with Dark Chocolate Ganache, Rasberries and Pistachios

The only thing I might love more than chocolate is cake; and if it’s a chocolate cake, then I can promise you that I’m a happy lady!

This cake is magic, and will definitely lift anyone’s mood.  The recipe is fool proof, and the cake comes together quickly and without much effort.  It is also a vegan!  That’s right, there are no eggs or butter–and yet the cake is still deliciously decadent!  Who would have thought?! Continue reading

Tamatar Shorba (Indian Spiced Tomato Soup) Vegetarian & Vegan Friendly

tamatar shorba, indian tomato soup, tomato soup, spiced tomato soup, indian tamatar shorba, tomato shorba, tamatar shorba

Tamatar Shorba with Spiced Grilled Cheese Sliders

Last year at this time tomato soup would have been the last thing on my mind!  Instead, I was preoccupied with my “baby” plants, berry picking and killing those stubborn Canadian Thistles…Seriously, how do you get rid of those things?!

Unfortunately, this year has been the complete opposite of the last.  Winter is holding on tight, refusing to budge.  Looking out the window, one would think it was December, not May!  It’s been a long winter and I’m beginning to feel a little confused (and a whole lot irritated!)–unsure if I should be planning my gardens or digging out the Christmas decorations.

As you can probably imagine, I’ve been daydreaming a lot about the warmth of India. I’ve even gone so far as to tell Piyush I think we should move there.  Sell the house, ship our stuff overseas and live happily in the tropics–with an air conditioner to keep us cool, of course.  I’d grow my own black pepper plants, drink liters of chai every single day and we’d have our very own mango tree in the back garden.   Continue reading

Aloo Sabzi: Potatoes Cooked in Mustard Oil

potato curry, dry potato curry, bengali potato curry, bengali potatoes, potatoes cooked in mustard oil, potato sabzi

Dry Potato “Curry”: Aloo Sabzi

Sometimes the most ordinary of foods can be made extraordinary simply by pairing them with the right ingredients.  For this delicious potato dish, I took a lot of inspiration from my mother-in-law’s cooking and the tasty foods I ate while in West Bengal. Continue reading