Not So Fancy Frittata

We eat a lot of eggs in this household.  They probably comprise about 25% of our meals, now that I think about it, and we always have a dozen or two on hand. When we want some food quickly and I don’t feel like standing over the stove for hours and hours on end (am I being a little too dramatic?), I can usually crack a few eggs and have supper finished in no time (I can also crack a few eggs and have some cookies…or creme brulee in no time too, but that’s another story!).

Aside from being convenient, eggs are also quite beautiful in that they’re so diverse.   I can’t think of any other ingredient that can be prepared over 100 different ways, taste completely different, and you can still recognize what it was in its original form.  How beautiful is that!?

I didn’t really feel like cooking a nice dinner tonight.  It’s my day off.  I had absolutely nothing planned today.  It’s not often that I have no idea what to do with myself, and although I could have spent all day making some fabulous food…I just didn’t want to.  Before you start thinking about how lazy I am, let me just reassure you that I did change out of my pajamas.  I brushed my teeth too!  I even made it out of the house today, and managed to do the dishes!  So, the day wasn’t lost completely.  I mixed up some bread and I even went thrifting.

I love thrifting.  You never know what you might find.  Once, a couple months ago, I found a Le Crueset Bistro Grill Pan.  This pan retails for around $120, and it’s been on my wish list since I discovered my love of cooking.  It was calling to me as soon as I walked through the doors of the store, and begged me to save it from being surrounded by mismatched storage bowls and containers full of butcher knives (scary!).  The pan looked pretty new, like it had been used once and the previous owner had no idea how to properly clean it, is my guess.  It was even the same color as my cast iron pan (awesome!).  But the best part, it had a price tag of $2.50.  SOLD!  Today I didn’t find anything nearly that cool, but I did get a new winter jacket.  Okay, not new…but new to me!  It’s at the dry cleaner as we speak.  I also found Piyush some new golf shirts.  They still had the tags on them and were major brand name steals.  $4 for a $90 dollar shirt…tags still attached, yes please!  Anyway…

When I got home I realized that the bread dough I had mixed together was ready to be shaped.  It had risen so much that it was like 6″ taller than the bowl.  Oops!  Luckily I had covered it with plastic wrap before I put the lid on so it didn’t get all crusty.  Piyush got home from golfing so I asked him to help me.  Afterall, the rolls were actually for him to take to work tomorrow to share, so I thought it was appropriate for him to learn how to shape buns.  He did a good job!

While the rolls rested for their final rising, I threw dinner together.  I’ve never made a frittata but it sounded good and was even healthy (not to mention cheap!)  You could really add anything you wanted to the frittata, it’s definitely nothing fancy.  I used some ham that I chopped up, a carton of mushrooms, arugula, some herbs I had laying around and goat cheese.  Oh how I love goat cheese!

I sauted the ham, mushrooms and arugula in a little olive oil until I was satisfied with their doneness.

Then, I added 6 eggs that I had beaten with a little salt, pepper and cheese into the mix.  I let it cook until it just began to set, then popped it into the oven which was set on “broil”.   This dinner came together so quick, probably less than 15 minutes.  When it was done I cut it into 8 triangle pieces.  It looked like an egg pizza!

It was awesome!  It was also so filling that I only had one piece.  That leaves leftovers for breakfast/lunch tomorrow!

Oh, yeah...I also had a hot roll with a little jam!

What’s your favorite way to eat eggs?

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